Vladimir Propp

Vladimir Propp is a Russian literary analyst and critic.
In 1969 he researched over 100 folk tales and analyzed them using basic plot components identifying their simplest narrative elements. Below are 7 of Propp's main characters that feature in his theory's:
- -The Hero, Villain, Doner, Dispatcher, Princess, Father, Helper, False Hero.
Using some of these characters, I have found the video The Writer by British artist Ellie Goulding which presents the Princess character sing about her Hero. The narrative of the song is basically about a girl who would change anything and everything to be noticed by one particular person. The lyrics 'why don't you be the artist and make me out of clay? why don't you be the writer and decide the words I say?' is an example of how desperately she wants her prince to notice her.
The song seems to be very personal which makes the lyrics quite emotional. It isn't a typical 'love story' as the princess doesn't get her prince at the end. The video is a disjuncture as shes simply performing and walking around different scenes.
Propp then went onto classify four stages of narrative functions and called them 'spheres'.
-- The 1st sphere: Preparation:
This can be where a member of a family leaves home, a prohibition or rule is broken, the villain learns something about the victim or the villain trying to deceive the victim and get possession of their belongings.
-- The 2nd sphere: Complication:
This is where the villain harms a member of the family, a member of the family lacks or desires something, or where the hero plans action against the villain.
-- The 3rd sphere: Transference:
Where the hero leaves home or is tested, or receives a helper or magical agent, the hero uses the magical agent, the hero goes on a mission or quest.
-- The 4th sphere: Struggle:
Where the hero is in trouble but returns to save the day.
Propp's theory allows me and my group to put more thought into our characters and their stories. Doing this will also go well with the narrative as the video has a thought about storyline.
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